With Obama appearing to be starting to grow a pair, the republicant’s are raging mad about class warfare. This class warfare actually asks the wealthy to pay a tax percentage that is the same as everyone else. Poor rich bastards, I wouldn’t want them to possibly lose one of their vacation houses or only be able to take 6 weeks of vacation instead of 8 while the rest of us are struggling just to pay our bills, eat, and find employment.
So let’s put this in perspective. In order to solve the budget deficit the republicant’s solution is to cut. Cut from Medicaid, Medicare, teachers, firefighters, nurses, policemen, social security, financial aid for college students, education, unemployment and in general any program that helps the poor and needy.
So yes class warfare is being waged, its being waged against the poor and disabled and the working and middle class Americans. All so the rich can be greedy arrogant bastards. I think Michele Bachmann may have been on to something. I think vaccines may cause mental FUCKTARDATION in conservatives!
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