Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Four letter words

With our right wing Republicant, tea bagging ,crybabies always screaming foul, you would think that these poor sons of bitches where under constant threat of attack from their left wing counterparts. Truth is under our current administration, these little guys and gals just cry and whine and throw a fit like a 3 year old, until the President gives in to the fit, in another display of poor parenting.

When arguing with our conservative minded fellows, we must always remember to reserve the most precious four letter word for last. When we need to strike the final blow in an argument, always remember to use a FACT (or many facts). Yes this four letter word will make these guys blow their lid and lose it. It often sends tea baggers over the top (just remember to block their punches) and makes them bloodthirsty and ready to save America by killing off the left wing socialist commies.

While facts may seem to be the way to end an argument, many have become adept at talking in circles and avoiding the stated fact. Just remember to always, always, use this four letter word when dealing with the brain washed minions, that thrive off of getting all their information from Fux News and the right wing media bias.

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