Monday, September 26, 2011

Grumpy Old Peckerwoods

With the threat of a government shutdown once again making headline news, we must wonder the cause for such a ruckus. Once again the Grumpy Old Peckerwoods or GOP if you will, are raging mad and damning the man etc. I can’t help but ask myself, what makes all these old, rich white people, so fucking hateful?

Do they hate the poor so much that they must just cut spending of government programs that  help people? Do they have poor people envy? “yeah there go those poor bastards again, hogging all the attention”. I don’t get it, those that have it all, hate those that have nothing.

Since they want to cut programs in order to provide much needed disaster relief, cutting government programs that would kill government jobs, and add to unemployment, (more people for them to hate I guess) I have a groundbreaking idea for these downtrodden hating, angry, wealthy sons of bitches. Cut your own job. That’s right,shut em down. Save some much needed money. Cut your job, cut your throat, or just cut it the fuck out!

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