Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Violent pacification

While watching Hardball with Chris Mathews last night, Mr. Mathews was talking to some local pundit and asked him where the democrats will be in regards to the Occupy movement. He went on to ask if it was risky for politicians to back the movement in case the movement was to get violent or in his words “they start throwing trash cans through windows”.  How fucking ridiculous can you get man, give me a break.

First of all, the only violence there has been has come from the end of policedepartment night sticks and canisters of pepper spray. Not once has any form of violence been from the protesters. In fact it is quite the opposite, the protesters are shown time and time again stating that the police are not the enemy, that they are the same as the protesters. Now this police brutality has happened not just in New York but in other cities as well. Should we ask the politicians not to back the police department since they are the ones acting violently?

Why nobody wants this movement to become a re-elect Obama campaign, we must face the reality that if we want change, then the left is going to be the ones to make it happen. It surely will not be the Grumpy Old Pecker Woods (GOP), no they will be too busy sucking ass to their corporate masters. Those in power have been forced to acknowledge our existence, next they will have to force the change that is needed. Democrats have become pussies for the most part. What we need is to become the new party of the left, elect new leaders and get these old bastards out of power and put it back in the hands of the people. 

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