A blog to vent out my political viewpoint without having to resort to frequent rages
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Thought for the day
So who will be the GOP candidate for the 2012 election? Which one of these fearless competitors will take the reins and emerge as the saviour for the Grumpy Old Peckerwoods? Will it even be a peckerwood? Could we see the first time in history, that the two candidates are both African American? (I bet that will really get out the tea bagger vote).Who will save the 1% and get rid of the anti-American protesters once and for all? Who will get rid of taxes, regulations, big government and any kind of rules that protect the people? I saved the most important of all questions for last.........
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Violent pacification
While watching Hardball with Chris Mathews last night, Mr. Mathews was talking to some local pundit and asked him where the democrats will be in regards to the Occupy movement. He went on to ask if it was risky for politicians to back the movement in case the movement was to get violent or in his words “they start throwing trash cans through windows”. How fucking ridiculous can you get man, give me a break.
First of all, the only violence there has been has come from the end of policedepartment night sticks and canisters of pepper spray. Not once has any form of violence been from the protesters. In fact it is quite the opposite, the protesters are shown time and time again stating that the police are not the enemy, that they are the same as the protesters. Now this police brutality has happened not just in
Why nobody wants this movement to become a re-elect Obama campaign, we must face the reality that if we want change, then the left is going to be the ones to make it happen. It surely will not be the Grumpy Old Pecker Woods (GOP), no they will be too busy sucking ass to their corporate masters. Those in power have been forced to acknowledge our existence, next they will have to force the change that is needed. Democrats have become pussies for the most part. What we need is to become the new party of the left, elect new leaders and get these old bastards out of power and put it back in the hands of the people.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
And the douchebag of the day award goes to!
Neal Boortz
For his Hitleresque statement on Fux News saying Obama "Is a bigger disaster to this country than 9-11". Congratulations Neal for being crowned one raging liberals first ever douchebag of the day (or decade). You had some strong competition from your conservative counterparts but managed to come out on top, if only by a nose. Yes Mr. Boortz spreading hatred and fear is your specialty. You are truly king douchebag for the day.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Its time to stop asking and start demanding
With the Occupy Wall Street movement in its third week, the movement is finally growing and gaining the media attention that such a movement deserves. Thinking about the events of the past few weeks one must wonder, is it going to be enough? Occupy has been proud of the fact that there are no leaders, lending to media criticism about a lack of stated goals. Why we all know what the uprising is about, what exactly do we expect to be the outcome? Yes I realize that change is what is needed, but are these protests going to accomplish any change without a specifically stated list of demands?
Every great movement has a leader who points the people in the right direction. Its great to see a form of democracy being practiced amongst the participants that allows for a general consensus, with everyone being able to speak his/her mind. Does this movement need a leader? Not someone to tell people what to do and order them around, but someone for the people to get behind, a person to provide the spark that ignites the change. Bringing attention by camping out for a couple months, banging drums, chanting and marching, do us no good if the fire slowly fades and people go back to their everyday lives. It is time for leadership to emerge. We are at a stage in our country where we need to stop asking for change and start demanding it. Who will step forth and lead us in our time of need? It’s certainly not our president or congress.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Herman (Big Herm) Cain
Recently Herman “Big Herm” Cain sat down with the Wall Street Journal, where he continued to bash the Occupy Wall Street movement. Big Herm even went so far as to blame the unemployed for not having jobs and the poor for not being rich, stating "I don't have facts to back this up, but I happen to believe that these demonstrations are planned and orchestrated to distract from the failed policies of the Obama administration. Don't blame Wall Street, don't blame the big banks, if you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself! ... It is not a person's fault if they succeeded, it is a person's fault if they failed."
Really Big Herm, are you fucking serious? I mean are you really so fucking stupid that you truly believe that the white racist Tea Party masses are going to vote for you. Hey dumb ass, the only reason the Tea Party exists is because we have a black president. Have you looked in the mirror lately? So keep on blowing your rich, white corporate buddies, while trying to act blacker than the president. We are not fooled Big Herm. Your true colors shine right on through my man because you are just as much about the green as your Wall Street puppet masters
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
CNN (Cable News Nazi's)
Last night on CNN (Cable News Nazi’s) news correspondent Erin Burnett did a segment on the Occupy Wall Street movement, where she spoke to one protester and told him that the TARP bailout money has been repaid and the tax payers have made money from the bailout. She continued to talk about the movement in a sarcastic, condescending manner, even naming the segment “seriously?”.
My question is why in the fuck would CNN decide to have this bitch cover the protests. Someone who once said “Isn't it your obligation inthis country - there is a tax code for a reason, to take advantage of every bitof it you can and pay as little as you can.” This comes from an elitist who, in the past made an average salary of $2million and has a net worth of over$12million . So yeah news Nazi’s, send this fucking pampered idiot to cover the working class protesters in NY. Great fucking idea. More proof of my previous stated right wing media agenda. More proof that the mainstream media does not do its job and investigate.
Maybe a little bit of investigation would show that the movement stands for many things, not just the bailout or any other individual reason. Maybe it would show that no one person is chosen to speak for the movement, it has no leaders. Or maybe they should just keep the status quo and let the rich journalist keep sucking up to the people that caused this mess in the first place. Good job CNN.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Is Wall Street Listening?
We all have been excited these past few days with the furious pace at which Occupy Wall Street has turned into a global phenomenon. Why the numbers are modest, they are growing daily and will only get bigger. As the numbers swell, and with the hundreds arrested Saturday, the media is no longer able to ignore it. Once more media coverage is given, then the more people will be motivated to quit typing on their blogs, twitter and Facebook, and get off their asses! Oh wait, that’s what fueled the revolution to begin with.
But as I check my tweets, get updates and read about what’s going on, I can’t help but wonder if the message is really getting to its intended audience. After all, you have seen the youtube videos of the Wall Street banksters sipping champagne and waving to the protesters. But is camping out in a park, shouting slogans, blocking bridges, and holding up signs really going to get their attention? Or is it time to shut down the machine? Yes getting pepper sprayed, arrested and beat in the head does grab a few headlines, but is it enough? Peaceful protesting is definitely the preferred method, but would there have been a successful civil rights movement if there wasn’t a Malcolm X to go along with Martin Luther King Jr.? Isn’t it the fear of what people can do when there are thousands of them, and the authorities are outnumbered, that truly scares the powers that be? How would a Molotov cocktail have gone along with that champagne? Just wondering.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
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